
Businesses That Do Well in a Recession and the Truth About Network Marketing

Network Marketing

Many of you may just be starting a new network marketing or other home based business. But even if you've been around for years, you know that some businesses that do well in a recession fall apart soon after the recovery period begins. Keep reading and I'll compare some systems and explain why they will or won't survive our current economic crisis.

The Trouble With Downlines

While there are an ever-growing number of new network marketing opportunities available on the web, the relative number of people interested in breaking into the business has been pretty stable. The recent economic downturn may have increased this number a bit but I don't think it'll be enough to keep things growing.

The problem is that with all the new MLM network marketing businesses out there, everyone is fighting over the same, tired leads. Downlines get up and move on without warning and lately even leaders are packing it in, leaving their teams' businesses devastated.

This market, using traditional MLM networks, is just too over saturated for anyone to get their foot in the door. Although I'd be surprised if your upline has mentioned these warning signs directly to you, I promise they are well aware of them and probably are as concerned as you about their financial future.

Direct Sales Marketing

By using a direct sales marketing approach, as with the top tier networks, you can exponentially expand the pool of leads you can draw from. The focus is no longer on signing new reps and growing a downline team, it's just too competitive today to succeed in this.

Rather, with direct sales networks you seek to attract new leads who will become customers. These customers, when they are ready to make a purchase, can get you as much money from a single transaction that you'd expect to get in an entire year's worth of residual checks.

Of all the businesses that do well in a recession, if you're interested in staying with the network marketing sector I strongly encourage you to look into top tier and direct sales systems before dumping too much time or money on more traditional networks.

Recession Proofing Your Business

Finding the best network marketing system with one of the businesses that do well in a recession is only the first step. You must also dedicate yourself to learning everything you can about our current economic crisis and how you can not only protect the money you have but begin to actually build the wealth you've been dreaming of. Now that, my friends, is a true recession proof business plan.


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