
What Are Very Small Emerging Nations With Tribal Governments More Likely to Choose?

When tribal governments become part of modern day society, they will always have a tough time adjusting. This because a tribal society which works as a village does has been working together for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Each person of the tribe goes about their business and everyone works together for the group. That's a lot different than how things work in a first world capitalist society and civilization.

Also in a capitalist society we use a thing called money, and we use this as a unit of trade. In other more primitive tribal type governments, they may have units of trade, and the chances are they trade the things they need such as food, clothing, and other things that they create, trinkets, clothing, etc. However, it is exactly this type of trading which normally goes on and gives rise to culture, and economic conditions. Even if those economic conditions are already present in a small village or tribe and even if it is away from the rest of the world, this does allow for a smoother transition. Luckily, these things just naturally happen.

In that case, one could ask what are the very small, perhaps island type emerge nations coming from a tribal government most likely to choose, as their new form of government? That is to say, would they accept capitalism, would they embrace communism, would they enjoy the concept of a democratic socialist government? Would they prefer a benevolent dictatorship? And really most villages run similar to these forms of government already.

It makes sense to study these villages and tribes and watch what they do, because whatever they are doing has been working for thousands of years, and it would make sense that these are the most natural forms of government for the human species. So, from a philosophical standpoint we could almost learn more from them, as they can from us.

In fact, we shouldn't be surprised if they reject our theories of first world governments of whatever style or form we use, not only because they are foreign to them, but also because they do not make sense from an innate human characteristics standpoint - they don't feel right to those coming from tribal life. Does that make sense? Are you seeing what I'm driving at?

Now then, obviously when large groups of people, millions if not billions of people all get together, they need perhaps a different form of government than a small tribe. But that doesn't mean the small tribe can't join in, and keep its culture and its form of government yet be part of the larger scope of humanity. And really, who are we to tell them how to run their affairs? See that point?


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